Lady Grey Inspired Coat

I am a coat girl. I probably have more coats/jackets than dresses in my closet. So now the weather is going to get colder, I had been pushing to make a new coat for this year. I really wanted to make a coat that would go with my 50s inspired dresses, which means it wouldContinue reading “Lady Grey Inspired Coat”

Draft me a Bodice

Last last Friday my fiancé went to a magic tournament with his friends (read: geek gathering), and some of the wifes decided to get together and sew at the host’s house. I had hosted three sewing parties (aka. juebejue-forces-friends-to-sew-party) at my place, and it was nice going to someone else for a change! Sadly, all my sewing stuff wasContinue reading “Draft me a Bodice”

The Making of a Perfect Pair (of Jeans)

I had been wearing my awesome jeans everyday, and now im going to share how I altered the Anita Pattern to make a pair of butt hugging and slightly flared jeans. (note that all the pictures can be clicked on for full size) Butt hugging On the two leg pattern pieces, there is a lineContinue reading “The Making of a Perfect Pair (of Jeans)”